It is perhaps the Boon of the software engineering profession; that everyday stretches beyond the proverbial mid-night. Post discussions with those who live on the other sweep of the Dial(U.S/U.K). But with the end of everyday as you wipe your sweaty brow with the feeling of somehow surpassing another day at work the feeling slowly masquerades when you approach your bike for the journey back home into your alter-ego a.k.a the Knight Rider - adequately armed with ears throbbing with music from the Ipod, Face masked with a la-zorro type bandana and the feet kicking the first gear as the wheels spin in resonance with the growl.
Or maybe perhaps it was my Bane as I discovered on 16th June 2011; when my tyre spilled the gravel on the OMR road at 11.30 pm. Statistically speaking almost 90% of Chennai would have hit the bunk - including (as i discovered later)my own Guardian Angel.
I have been doing this routine for more than a year; and as they say with practice your enhanced senses can negotiate every pot-hole even with eyes closed(a pre-requisite due to the in-adequate lighting in most of the route). But there are certain in-built safety rules programmed into my bike - never speed more than 60 kmph; and i stick to the right-side of the road (since the left is mostly abut with pedestrians walking and also it is effective in avoiding Traffic constables ;0)
On the day as i had eased into auto-drive; and my thoughts were zig-zagging on the activities for the next day.... BAAMMMM !!!
A sudden adrenalin rush pumped and everything around me went across in a slow-mo matrix format(I recount this feeling repeated twice in my life; the first on my Tallest Bungee Dive in NewZealand and next when I had proposed to my wife)- the wheels skidded, the bike careened uncontrollably on the left, I hit my left-shoulder on the ground and the impact caused the handle-bar to slam on my right shoulder, almost for the next 10-20 mts I was given a 180 degree perspective with the bike dragging me and sparks eminating from the friction with my helmet - This was indeed one of the longest minute in my life.
Somehow i managed to crawl out of the mangled mess which was earlier my bike and stood up. I kid-not; my first feelign was of relief - WHOW!! I can still stand and then slowly i turned luckily the road was bereft of any vehicular traffice. But just as i took a deep breath pain enough to paralyze me hit both my shoulders. Luckily a few road-side workers gathered and accosted me to the pavement provided water, a seat and the anecdote behind the accident.
Apparently some drunkard; had just jumped over the median on the right-side of the road and slam-dunked directly on my bike - He escaped with minor fractures; while i was left back with the mangled remains of my bike, a skin-less left leg, left-collar bone fractured and my right shoulder screaming with injury.
Today marks 3-weeks since the incident; and it has been quite a roller-coaster ride. First it was performing the cermonies for my sister's marriage in a sling and later undergo a painful Surgery for my collar-bone fracture where a 10-cm rod was inserted to join the bones along with the splinters.There is still 6 more months of healing left and loads of pain to endure.
A heart-felt thanks to all my close friends and relatives without whose assistance I would never have been able to pass-this terrible phase in life.
Love you all.