31 December 2011

Welcome 2012 - Quick Guide to make your resolutions WORK

It is that time of the year - when Santa takes his much required break(after a mammoth logistical operation); the Indian teams get thrashed by the Australians(OK! that happens everyday) and the doomsayers would be slinking within their bunkers.

Yes – It is the eve of New year; and as a traditional practice many of us as true optimists (or due to memory loss) believe that regardless of the previous year's bunglings there is always a scope to achieve beyond the ordinary for the coming year despite what FATE truly decides. Over the clinking of glasses and loud cheers as we realize that a new era is going to dawn come up with a set of resolutions

With that note; allow me to present 5 pointers to ensure that all your New-year resolutions do not get washed along with your party hangover (esp. if it was to remain sober for the YR 2012)

1) Wants or Needs : The first need is to rationalize your resolutions and filter only the Absolutes Vs Wish-lists. A chain-smoker's need is to quit smoke; A Sales-person's need is to meet his targets(pragmatic targets); An athlete's need to keep winning medals and an IT professional's need to meet deadlines.
But then the next question that pops into your mind is "How do i identify which are my needs"; after all my DIL mange More...
You can always perform a sanity check on your resolutions by ensuring that they play on your unique strengths and validate with your close ones if they would actually support you on this initiative.
Of course; if your goal does not meets this rule; you have a ready-made tweet #kimKmarriage lasted longer than

2) Are they A & M : Is your resolution both Actionable and Measurable. I am sure you can come up with better resolutions than "I shall become kick-ass on 2012"; spare some thoughts to unravel what is the awesomeness that you really want to achieve for the year 2012 - Is it to learn kick-boxing; travel across a country for 14 days or buy your own Harley Davidson ?
Actionable means to make your resolution very specific; and Measurable would enable you to track your progress on a daily/weekly/monthly basis
When I wanted to buy my own house; i first made sure I was decided on the budget and the location details; then scoured the entire market for almost 6-8 months with friends/relatives to zero in on the property and waited another 5 months to get a go-ahead from my wife & family to purchase it.
Remember when you miss to plan you are simply planning for missing your resolution.

3) Are they Square : As a pun for having everything well-rounded; my suggestion is to have goals pertaining to each of these 4 corners :
a. Physical : Travelling to an exotic location; learning a new sport; finish the marathon
b. Mental : Learn new skills to exercise your grey cells
c. Professional : Yearly Goals need to be set with your managers
d. Social : Plan on giving something back to the society which gave your everything else.

4) Prepare for Failures : One of the recurring themes with addicts; is that though they successfully abstain for a few days the moment they succumb they find themselves flushed down the spiral into harming themselves even more.
Learn to celebrate & share with others each steps you take towards achieving your resolution; and set a threshold which would help you ensure that you feel satiated by the accomplishments that you have made even if you do miss to reach your over-arching goal.
After all; even Tiger Woods couldn't manage to remain #1 throughout year 2011

5) Write them Down : Though the last, this is the most definite part of ensuring the success of your resolution. Research has proved beyond doubt that writing things down provides a positive enforcement to help people achieve their goals. Also remember that though it might be your individual resolutions only through support from others around can you truly achieve them.

So; going with the flow my resolutions for the year 2011 :-

  • Clock 600-1000 Km in Running (remember the threshold)
  • Take up Chess (1-3 hrs/wk) & Blogs (4-6 hrs/wk) seriously
  • My professional goals would be discussed with my managers and also with my peers
  • Provide scholarship to 1 student (10-12 std) and ensure 20-40 hrs of Social service
To all those who managed to read till the end; wishing you a great New Year and considering this blog as my new-year gift do let me know what your New year Resolutions are ?

And in eventuality of an Armageddon; my due apologies to all those believers - may you truly inherit what is roasted behind.