Running was something i discovered during my stint at SP Jain; we had formed an SP runners group and one of the bigger achievements was when we were featured in TOI for our charity run at SCMM-2009. Though lately have gone totally off-track(pun intended) and as resolved to get back to the lifestyle for this year.
After running for 15 Kms last week; I was looking for a running group to ensure i stick around the goal of 600-1000 km for this year. Luckily DailyMile site offered a chance to hook up with folks with common interests and even an invitation to join them. The plan was to catch up at 5.00 AM at Elliot's beach opp. Planet Yumm with the Dream Runners gang (Don't ask me why they named themselves so - my guess is whenever they don't wake up so early they simply run in their dreams).
The alarm went buzzing at pre-dawn 4.30 Am - the next 5 mins were spent in pure terror - as my brain simply froze; first at the shock that i actually managed to get up so early (instead of simply throwing the mobile below the pillow) and later had to do a CPR to figure what next. Luckily i had planned the previous night - reached out to my running shorts & tees; and after freshening up went to the kitchen to make something that i do best : Boil water, drank 2 glassful with Honey and then made a dash for the beach.
I suppose i missed them by a whisker (3-5 mins) but then luckily i had managed to remember their running Map - Thanks to Shahul's post; but didn't want to risk going all the 10 Km and modified the route for a shorter 8 Km run(Gmap). The wind was really blowing from the Elliot's beach and as i made inroads into the residential area, enthusiastic kids were drumming over mini-fires (My initial assessment was a funeral ceremony till it stuck me that today was Bhogi*). The roads were almost serene with a few exceptions of milk-men and paper-boys.
Today was going to be a slow jog focusing on distance rather speed. Post the first km; i started getting the usual pain on the front side of the legs (Anterior shin splits) this usually lasts for 5 mins after which i get back into my rhythm. The Gandhinagar area was waking up when i was cruising through and really one of the better running routes in the city. It was pure exhilaration when i reach the beginning of the Canal bank road passing through Vidya Mandir - I had covered 4 Kms without a burn-out.
The rest of the journey was covered in a mix of run & walks; especially when i encountered street dogs - I still have reminiscence of my childhood incidents with them. But one of the best views of the day was undoubtedly the Siddhi Vinayag Temple which was literally glistening with beauty and for some moments I simply forgot all about my run and stood admiring the pongal decoration glory which was heightened due to the significance of Marghazi ending and the birth of the Thai month. My throat had gone totally dry; and even my usual coconut vendor was celebrating his pongal holidays. Increased my pace a bit towards the end to ensure fully stretching my legs (the heel should touch the rear) and finished the entire 8.48 kms within 1 hr.
Managed to clock a decent 24 Km run for this week with the longest run for this year, so far. Do share your feedback and encouragements at my DailyMile profile
*Bogi festival or Bhogi is the first day of Pongal(South Indian festival for dawn of a new year) and is celebrated in honor of Lord Indra, "the God of Clouds and Rains" by burning all old items.
An Update : It seems that the Dream Runners had started at 5.15 and i was just being a little over-enthusiastic to have started much early all alone.