02 January 2012

Track your Resolution - Is there an APP for it ?

Post my earlier Blog; I am currently in search of Apps/Tools that would help me keep track of my resolutions on a day to day basis(& thus increase my daily stress)

The requirements are pretty simple :-
  • I should be able to enter the details of my resolution; my contact details (email/mobile/facebook profile) so that it can send me reminders in case of indolence
  • I should be able to store details of my close friends who would be notified of my achievements and also be able to encourage me whenever possible
  • It should allow me to numerically track my progress on a daily/weekly basis vis-a-vis a measurable target
The last point actually the tricky part; but we should be able to work-around with using Effort Hrs (or) Null values whenever applicable. Ex: If you are learning a new art/sport then you can use the time spent on the activity as a measurement since the outcome may otherwise not be quantifiable; and for addicts they can celebrate every "ZERO" day.

In terms of revenue potential of these Apps; I can definitely bear some non-intrusive advertisements but even more is the interesting is the ability for delivering contextual products right at my doorstep. A runner can get specific promotions by Nike depending on the number of Kms he has tagged and if your resolution is to read "N" number of books - Amazon can readily support your demand.

But more than any of these features the key ingredient lies in the graphical display of the Tracking; the more intuitive it depicts the progress across every resolution more would the end-user be tempted to continue. Taking this a step-further having virtual points for the achievements seems to be a great idea (of course; this might involve some sort of monitoring)

In fact i can definitely visualize the app as a true social-gaming phenomenon - tagline "Track your real-life activities in the Virtual life"; Everyday as you login to your facebook account (which I must say happens multiple times/day) it would ask on your activities pertaining to the resolutions and immediately once you achieve the threshold notifications would be sent to your friends to tell them "How cool you are" and your friends shall respond with a "Like" or "Check my achievements" sort of comments. Overall; you are building an entire community based upon what you have set to achieve for this year.

Do you think that such as game would become popular ?

Let me know what are the relevant features you would want on such an APP (or) Social Gaming phenomenon ?

Or better; let me know if something like already exists :)

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