23 July 2008

Book-a-thon ( 1 week & 4 Gems of Books)

Well, i can definitely come up with lot of "Struck in an elevator without electricity" excuses for not blogging for a while. But unfortunately we have three things
a) I am no TOM Hanks (b) I don't need to impress upon anyone and (c) i already have a much better answer for that...

1 Week, 4 Books .... that must be a true tribute for all the above gems; or an indirect reference to those lectures which were boring enough for me to give full-force concentration to the above value-add books.

Now immersed in yet another riveting book, for the modern day Indian..
Clue 1) This book talks about how as Indians we are Privately Smart and Collectively Dumb.
Clue 2) This book uses Game theory (yeah the "beautiful mind" Nash guy's theories) to explain to us about the Indian Mindset.

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