01 July 2008

The Global Nokia Event

Just as a epilogue of my previous post ; here were all of us bunking classes going out to The Taj Mahal Hotel representing SPJIMR (Wee.... fun ...) attending a session with the Nokia Global CEO.

The entire event from the word "go" was handled with amazing professional precision, right from timing, invitations, et all all the more since it will be a televised event (6th July NDTV PROFIT's Gadget guru)

The entire show was divided into 3 phases; initially the anchor Rajeev Chandra invites both the Nokia India VP Mr. D.Shivkumar and Nokia Global CEO Mr.OPK (both really dynamic people) and has a initial round of Q&A.

Phase II, when the ground is open for questions from the nominated B-school Grads. Rahul immediately got into action, and asked his first question about "Nokia's SYMBIAN strategy"; and then Sachin mentioned about the Import of cheaper chinese mobiles affecting the existing nokia market. Questions came and went, each of them caressing the shores.

Phase III, now this was a surprise part.. when the CEO actually asks us about what we should expect in the next range of Nokia hand-sets; luckily i got a chance to air my views about how mobile handsets are becoming more of an extension of one-self; more like alter-egos of each persons.. and so apart from really cool applications i would really be interested in next-gen security(like biometrics), more-so-the-reason since with the advent of m-commerce.

Finally, as the closing remarks both the CEOs were asked for their take-a-ways from the show and to my shock both the Indian CEO and the global CEO mentioned my points .... leading to the anchor pointing out to me and remarking that i should send my CV immediately ;)

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