I still quite vividly remember the day, 21st of June and in midst of a team meeting at Hewlett Packard i got a call with my excited sister on the other end... yelling
"You got your foundation books..... there are three of them, each with the width of Harry potter's Goblet of fire and length full-scape" Strange as that may sound... that was the ultimate truth.... these were monstrosities in the name of management books and we had to finish reading them for the pre-foundation tests (failing these means rolling back on the baggage and the fees)
Of course.. the above parah.. was hardly anything remotely associated with reality.
Pre-foundation exams were cleared by all of us holding on to a minuscule manuscript called the "DOCKET" which was sent along with these books summarizing only key concepts required (more so like the "made easy series" in engineering)
And then came the Foundation...
These goliaths in the name of books were but sugar-candy as we started reading them... fluffy and sweet.
The course content for our Foundation can be outlined as follows :-
a)Financial Accounting (Author:Stice & Stice)
b)Micro Economics (Author: Manikw)
c)Quant. mgmt (Author: Ken black)
d)Managerial Communication
e)Intro to Case methodology
f)What management is ? (book review of the same :
Joan Magretta,Nan Stone )
Being engineers, we did what we do best... "LAST MIN studying" and ironically, i was suddenly enamored by the beauty of each of these books and currently after our foundation exams have finished I have taken up re-reading of these for beyond academic purpose (how un-engineer can i get ;) ??)
Talking about being un-engineerish, we finished all our assignments on our own (without Paulo Alto's help... in case u are wondering this phrase of mine... paulo alto is the research center for XEROX), and group-works were finished within the specified time-frame.
Overall memories of the foundation course flood me as a premier training grounds for the un-initiated of us into the world of Ledgers & accounts, Marginal utility & oligopoly, sample case study initiatives and better communication (oral & written)
Of we go unto P.G LABS .... a 4 day outing after slogging continuously the past entire week for the foundation exams; unwinding SP STYLE