27 July 2007

And you have been "AD-MAPPED"...


Assessment & Development of Managerial & Administrative Potential,or as the Junta at SP refer it with it's cute & sweet abb. "ADMAP"; is not just a course but rather the way of life in SPJAIN....

        ADMAP is a home-grown program of SPJIMR that has continuously evolved to its present form over the last several years. Fostered under the guidance of our HON. DEAN Dr. Shrikant, M. L. (one of my personal inspirations as i joined SP), this program is more like having a practical approach towards administration by involving the students into the working architecture of SPJAIN as such; students shall be assigned to various committees (either randomly or based on their preferences) and then together with the faculty in-charge they shall forge across an entire year trying to innovate and implement their ideologies.

         Agreed, that the concept is not novel.. but what really caught my eyes were the range of committees that have been created, the diversity not-withstanding the work profile and opportunities that each offer is truly bombastic (if i am permitted to use such a word)
         We have committees ranging from PRCom(public relationship) to Infra COM(Infrastructure), each of the specs (i.e finance, marketing, IM) have their own individual spec. SBUs(Strategic Business Units).

         Numerically speaking this year, we have around 23 core-committees along with a few more special interest groups such as LIFE (environment forum), Media, et all which are not mandatory to join.

         The activities that each and every committee has to be involved during the entire academic year are not exactly pre-defined and usually depends on the energy levels of each committee, but nevertheless both the scope and the budget being alloted for each of the committee is not bound.
         Usually every Com. would have it's own specific Event, e.x: each of the SBUs have their own flagship event, in the case of Info. Mgmt. they have Bhavitva, which involves a industry panel discussion and various events which are out to resolve the current issues plaguing the IT field so on and so forth.

         Now it would definitely be inappropriate if i stop with the workings of ADMAP with only the practical level discussions... behind ADMAP has evolved a really massive theory, bordering closely on OB(Organizational behaviour) & BP (Business Practices) and further on we also have nine modalities (modules) to be finished by the end of our first year in ADMAP;it would be worthwhile to note that the best of the brains of the institute are working behind making this course-work really path-breaking... and believe me... it really shows.

        p.s: I got into Entre COM (Entrepreneurship Committee), which was my second choice after CIG (Consultancy Interest Group) ... lets see as the flagship unfolds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what a nice blog to see!! it has been my dream to study in spjain. i wish i get admission and work with core committee.