27 July 2007

All i missed was a thursday :(

        Unlike in all other institutes, SPJIMR has this philosphy of having thursdays as the official week-end; every other day including Saturday and Sunday are considered are full working days and are usual days for guest-lectures.
        According to SP routine, we all take off on wednesday nights end up with some resturant and spending time out of the campus (more so cause the Campus MESS is closed on wednesday nights) and then use thursday to catch up on all lost sleep during the week; in most cases we end up just snoozing our alarm clocks throughout the entire thursday DAY.
        And so, i decided to give my home-town a visit due to personal reasons ruminating on the fact that thursdays would after all be chill-out day.

        But only after i arrived here back into campus on Friday morning i realized what i missed :-
        1) CEO talk by Mr. Baru Rao, Capgemini India
        2) Deadline for submitting one of my papers
        3) Group-assignment work
        4) 3 pre-reads for the next day

        Well... I must write this down in my DIARY "THURSDAYS are still not a HOLIDAY"

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